9 Feb

Play Leaders

Our Midday supervisors have received their play leader training certificates from Mrs Jackson, our sports coordinator. Mrs Jackson is hiding at the back of the photo! Each lunchtime one of the midday supervisors will be playleader for the day and use our new equipment with our Y5 playleaders to…

8 Feb

Y1 3D models

Aimee and Tulisa have been looking at 3D shapes in maths. Using art straws they constructed a sqaure based pyramid and could tell me all about the propertiesof the shape they had made. Well done girls - super maths work in Y1

29 Jan

KS1 celebration assembly

Our KS1 and Foundation pupils who received their headteacher awards in Friday's celebration assembly. Well done to all of them.

26 Jan

Celebration assembly 26.1.17

Our KS2 Celebration assembly certificate pupils. Well done to Kyle, Abi, Violet, Ella, Max, Oren, Chelsea-Jo and Olivia. The teachers had lots of very positive comments to make about the children.

19 Jan

Young Voices

On Monday 15th January 2018 33 pupils and 4 members of staff took part in Young Voices 2018 in Sheffield. The pupils were a real cridit to the school and their parents. Once again Moorthorpe had their own dance moves to some of the songs. We all had a fabulous night and were well suported by…

12 Jan

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our parents. I haope you have had a good Christmas and New Year. The children have settled back into school really well. Our new starters in nursery have done really well too and seem to be enjoying being in nursery. We started the new school term with an assesmbly on one of…

21 Dec

Panto 2017

Thursday 21st December the whole school watched a production of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Everyone was very excited at the start and realy enjoyed the production. What a great way to finish the autumn term! Thank you to Chaplins Theatre company.

14 Dec

KS2 Church Carol Service 2017

On 14th December KS2 held a Carol Service in church for parents. This event was very well attended and the children sang beautifully. Dylan Cater (Y6) was in charge of the music and did a fantastic job. Thank you to the Rev Gallagher for allowing us to come to your beautiful church and share the…

13 Dec

Carols Round the Tree

KS2 children entertained their parents with a selection of traditional carols and popular christmas songs. Many of the audience joined in with the singing. A great way to start our Christmas celebrations!

8 Dec

Christmas Fayre 2017

On Friday 8th December we held the annual PTA Christmas Fayre. Both halls were packed with a range of stalls, refreshments and Santa's Grotto.. Doors opened at 1.45pm and  parents collected their children to visit the Fayre. Mrs Coupland did a great job of not only co-ordinating the school stalls…

7 Dec

year 6 coding

Year 6 have been coding today! We have used Purple Mash to create our own games. 

6 Dec

Santa and his sleigh

Foundation pupils have used great imagination today to build Santa's sleigh and his reindeer in th construction area. Thetw were very excitied to show me the sligh and point out the reindeer pulling the sleigh.