16 May

Google Expeditions

In year 3 and year 4 we had google Expeditions come into school and we used their VR equipment! We had an amazing time! 

16 May

Marvellous Maths

In maths we have been looking at perimeter, the challenge was to create a shape with a given perimeter, Cohen has done some fabulous measuring. We love how Cohen has not given up and kept trying! 

17 Nov

Year 3 superstar writers

We have been super busy in year 3 transforming a story book opening for our year 6s - we hope you enjoy reading them! 

7 Sep

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to a brand new school year! We have lots of exciting topics happening this year, from 'Bump in the Night' to 'Super Structures' and lots in between! 

We have had a fabulous first week! We have been trying to catch a mysterious creature in our literacy lessons, learning all about digits…

13 May

Year 2 - Homework Projects!

We are so proud of all the wonderful attempts at our homework projects over the last few weeks! So many great ideas, interesting facts and creative models. Everyone has been busy reading them in our corridor! You were all so confident doing your presentations too - fabulous independent…

12 Apr

Hunne's Hair Cut

Hunne had her hair cut for the charity 'Little Princesses'. She had her hair cut in assembly by Miss Turner! She raised over £350 - which is enough for 1 wig!