17 May

Year 2 Computing

Check out Year 2's brilliant binary codes from their computing session. We chose questions to ask eachother and chose a yes/no or true/false response to offer. Sadly these photos are not interactive but the children loved quizzing each other on their options! Well done Year…

20 May

Exploring Great Britain

You are never to young to start exploring the world you live in... and Year 1 have been doing just that! We have been locating different cities in Great Britain. Next week, we are exploring the whole world!

20 May

These Year 1's know their Times Tables! Well done :)

These children have shown great enthusiam and determination to achieve their times tables awards. Well done! 

13 May

Year 1's amazing stories.

Here are some examples of the children's amazing work! I am so impressed with the content, presentation and amount, as these are only 5/6 years old! 


13 May

Year 1's know their times tables!

Well done to these children who know their twos, tens (or both) times tables. 

22 Apr

22nd April Year 1 Awards

Keria has been working hard all week and it is lovely to see her self confidence growing. Cammie, Jack, Paiton, Alisia and Jasmine have all recieved their 2 times tables awards for knowing them really well. Well done :)


21 Apr

Year 1's Phonic Afternoon

Year 1 have been working hard on their phonics. Big thank you to all the parents who came to support their child's learning. Phonics is open to all parents every Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm :)


12 Apr

Trust games

Year one have been learning how important it is to trust each other.