Maths Subject Leader: Mrs Field


At Moorthorpe our vision for Maths is that all pupils will:

- be fluent, reliable calculators

- display genuine and deep understanding by exploring concepts using concrete and pictorial approaches

- articulate and represent reasoning using the language of mathematics

- be skilled problems solvers, consciously applying a range of logical and systematic strategies

- be adept at distinguishing between using the relevant mental and written procedures

- show rapid recall of number facts rooted in secure understanding

- make links and connections across mathematical domains and apply skills throughout the wider curriculum

- show resilience, perseverance and independent thought


Maths Curriculum

Updated: 27/03/2023 1.19 MB


Maths policy-on-a-page

Updated: 27/03/2023 60 KB


KS2 Parent Guide



Our primary planning tool and long term plan is based upon the Curriculum Prioritisation materials provided by the NCETM.

Overview of Units

Summary Page

Professional Development materials

Yorkshire & Humber Maths Hub

We are currently in the third year of a four-year programme with the Yorkshire & Humber Maths Hub as part of our drive to continually be up to date with current thinking about best practice and effective pedagogy.

Since 2014, the NCETM and Maths Hubs have been working together to develop approaches to teaching for mastery within primary mathematics. This has been partly informed by the teaching of mathematics in high performing South East Asian jurisdictions. Beginning last year, the NCETM and Maths Hubs have recruited schools to participate in a Mastery Readiness programme and these schools will continue to work in Teaching for Mastery Work Groups for two further years as they develop teaching for mastery in their schools.

Mastering Number

This NCETM programme aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to the end of Key Stage One.

Reception Overview

Year One Overview

Year Two Overview

Early Years

We use the Master the Curriculum resources and planning framework which align and can be used alongside the materials from White Rose Maths.

Nursery Overview

Reception Autumn Overview

Reception Spring Overview

Reception Summer Overview

NCETM Early Years Guidance