Long division in year 5
In year 5 we have been learning how to use long division . Later this week we will be creating "How to" films to teach other children
Viking manuals
Today in literacy we created Viking manuals to help Eric the Red when he invaded England. First we played ink waster to identify the features, and then we watched a horrible histories clip showing a Viking raid that had gone horribly wrong!!! In teams we acted out our instructions , and then we…
Times tables champions
In year four we have been working hard learning out times tables. Each week we have the times table challenge... 80 questions in ten minutes.
Super sentences competition
Today in year four we have had a super sentence competition. Children worked in pairs the change some really boring sentences into "super sentences". Each feature that they managed to get in was awarded points, and the winning team was the one with the most points!
Here are some of our amazing…
Dragons Den
This week in maths we have been learning all about equivalent fractions. We have been finding fractions that are equal to 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 and 1/5. We have been designing a game to take to the "Dragons Den" in order to teach other children about fractions.... which game will make it past the…
International links...
Today we have been working with year 5. During the Easter holidays Miss Cowan visited Sri Lanka where she made links with a school over there. Today we worked with year 5, creating posters to help the children in Sri Lanka learn english. We had to use google translate to write in Sinhalese and…
Gansta Grandads!!!
This week in year 4 we have been having great fun using the story "Gangsta Granny" to inspire our writing. We have been writing our own versions , linked to the real life Hatton Garden raid , when a group of pensioners stole over £14 million pounds worth of jewels! We have been practising…
Super Star rappers!!!
This week we have been rapping our 9 times tables! We have some amazing rappers in year 4 (and some superb dance moves!!!). We have found that using songs has helped us to learn our tables.
Trainee Vets!
This week in maths we are trainee vets! We are weighing different "animals" and converting from grams to kg. We are also learning how to use scales and how to read a scale. We looked at the number of divisions on the scale to work out what each one was worth.
WW2 day in year 4
Last week Blitz School came to year 4! Mr B spent the day with us and we learnt what it was like to be a child in WW2. We learnt all about what it was like to be in an air-raid and also how to put out a fire (not a real one!)
We really enjoyed the day and especially liked getting dressed…
year 4
This week in year four we have been creating some fantastic stories based upon the song "Titanium" We can't wait to share them with you all!!!