Happy New Year to all our parents. I haope you have had a good Christmas and New Year. The children have settled back into school really well. Our new starters in nursery have done really well too and seem to be enjoying being in nursery. We started the new school term with an assesmbly on one of our core values - RESPECT. We discussed what this looks like both in school and in our local community. I was very impressed with the understanding the younger children showed on treating people and the community with respct. Over the comming term the staff will be looking out for examples of children showing respect for others and for their environment - something we know they are already excellent at. 

In February we will be having the NSPCC in to talk to the children about keeping safe when out in the community.The 6th February is Safer Internet day and the children with be having age appropriate lessons on how to stay safe when using the internet. Miss Turner will be running two workshops on 'How to help your child with reading' on the 13th February. Before we finish for half term we will be holding a Valentine's Disco - watch out for details on the newsletter.