7 Jun

Year One letter writing.

In the spring term we were set a challenge to write a letter to someone who was important or special to us. We thought long and hard and eventually cam up with some great ideas. Some people wrote to people in their families, our headteacher, some wrote to famous people, others wrote to sports…

7 Jun

An awesome day at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

To follow on from our learning about animals, we had a fabulous day at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park yesterday.

We had lots of fun and saw some amazing animals. We even heard the lions roar. It was so loud! The giraffes came out to eat and the tigers were strolling around for us to see. The…

18 May

Phonic screening workshop for parents

Every week we have a parent afternoon to help prepare the children for the Year 1 phonics screening in June.

Thank you to all the parents and grand parents for all your support.

16 May

Our trip to Nostell Priory

We went on a trip to our local National Trust property of Nostell Priory. We carried on our learning about plants and growing.

There was lots of exciting learning opportunities for us. We explored the gardens where we could taste herbs and some vegetables. There was a treasure hunt to find all…

16 May

Super Sports at Minsthorpe High School

We were invited to a multi skills competition against other year one classes in our school pyramid. Our behaviour was impeccable and we were truesportsmen. We tried our best, but most of all we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!


16 May

Crime Scene Investigation day!

We had an amazing day trying to solve the case of the 'Sugar Snatcher'. Our grown ups came to help us. We worked in teams, listened to our friends, cooperated, took turns and tried to solve problems. We even presented our findings to the whole school. We had a fantastic day and we also solved the…

16 May

World book day in Year One

We had a wonderful time in Year One on World book day. Everyone came to school dressed as their favourite book character or in their PJs ready for a bedtime story. We enjoyed listening to stories 'around the fire' and drank delicious hot chocolate!

18 Sep

Healthy week

It was healthy week in school this week.  As part of our heathy week we have tasted lots of fruit and vegeatables and have completed obstacle courses in our outdoor classroom. We had lots of fun running, jumping, balancing and climbing to finish the course as fast as we could! Well done everyone…

8 May

Its all in a name!

It was a funny week last week with the bank holiday and then voting day. It didn't stop us from doing lots of learning. Mrs Jackson was helping us to write our names. We looked at what we had written and then listened to what we had to do to make our writing better. We really tried hard, from our…

24 Apr

Learning is fun!

It has been a busy week this week! We have been learning more new letter sounds and doing lots of counting. We made our own junk model castles. Bradley wowed us with the castle he made at home with his Daddy. We listened to Bradley tell us what he had made and who he had made it with. Great…